#mureakuha (292) [45855]
<@Akiro> hoho, "Christ Centered Game Reviews" arvosteli doom3:n, aika ilkeää jälkeä :)
<@Akiro> eivät oikein ihastuneet niihin saatananpalvonta/helvetti-juttuihin
< Morrigu_> tonhan pitäs olla kristittyjen lempparipeli : tapetaan demoneita
< Morrigu_> oisko se sit parempi jos siel olis ristisymboleja joka paikas ja tapettais pappeja, nunnia ja alttaripoikia? :P
<@Akiro> " I would have displayed more images but due to the graphic and satanic nature of this game I just couldn?t show it. Stay far away from Doom III it has no value to it at all. I would highly recommend that anyone who professes themselves to be Christians, to NOT PLAY THIS GAME."

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