<gbrlcntrn> terveisiä Conan O'Brienin lehdistötilaisuudesta :D
<gbrlcntrn> joku 1600 oli jengiä ulkosalla sitä venaamassa. haha.
<Tiria> saikko haastatella sitä
<gbrlcntrn> kysyin Conanilta että "There's a suburb in Helsinki called Konala and there also exists a band called Konala Cartelli ... now would you consider it to be possible, that you would join the band if they would change their name to Conanla Cartelli?" -Why but ofcourse it's possible. "Great. In that case I would like to give you some of the bands' music so you'll know what you're getting yourself into." -Thanks. I'll listen this through tonig
with Tarja and we will dance to it. She's actually quite a dancer I'm told." :D
<gbrlcntrn> sit kysyin mm. et miks meijän idols-finalisti Pete Seppälä on ihan sen näkönen, any thoughts?
<gbrlcntrn> "yes. basically here's how it works: one by one i will begin to resemble [finnish people] so that the people in your country can achieve great things. before-long, i will own this country."
<gbrlcntrn> joku 1600 oli jengiä ulkosalla sitä venaamassa. haha.
<Tiria> saikko haastatella sitä
<gbrlcntrn> kysyin Conanilta että "There's a suburb in Helsinki called Konala and there also exists a band called Konala Cartelli ... now would you consider it to be possible, that you would join the band if they would change their name to Conanla Cartelli?" -Why but ofcourse it's possible. "Great. In that case I would like to give you some of the bands' music so you'll know what you're getting yourself into." -Thanks. I'll listen this through tonig
with Tarja and we will dance to it. She's actually quite a dancer I'm told." :D
<gbrlcntrn> sit kysyin mm. et miks meijän idols-finalisti Pete Seppälä on ihan sen näkönen, any thoughts?
<gbrlcntrn> "yes. basically here's how it works: one by one i will begin to resemble [finnish people] so that the people in your country can achieve great things. before-long, i will own this country."
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